
uh oh...

i all aquiver with excited anticipation. (unlike that ho hum anticipation we see so much of...?)

you see, i have let my url (this blog) loose on a number of people. people a little more web savvy than yours truly. who, i have heard, is not so web savvy. but, then again, neither am i. which brings me to the point of this post.

they might know that i am bad at blogging!

you see, until now- with the exception of my second cousin (which means we can still legally marry) who is one of two readers i possess -i only have people reading my blog who think that i am the greatest thing this cyberweb has ever seen. (don't deny it, dad. you know that my blog is the only one you read...)

anyway, now that i have given out the web address to this blog, i have to clean up my act! start posting big, important, clever and technical things... like why i think linux is better than the other thingy... and that i am neck deep in a really important project for a client that is challenging every creative nerve in my lower cerebral matrix... er, hypercore actuator... beryllium sphere-- i'm an idiot.

hey, (saving face sidetrack) have you noticed that i make a lot of lists? i do! i just realized it the other day when i was giving one of these new people my web address. they asked me what kind of profound and amazing things that i post on and i mentioned that last one... right below this one... no, dad, scroll down. it's the wheel in your mouse...

i'm sorry. where was i? ah, yes lists!

ten reasons i make lists.

4. numeric dissonance.

i didn't mean to make so many lists, it just sort of happened... it started in middle school. you see, i... i fell in with the wrong crowd. it all started so innocent... we would hang out behind the soda machine scribbling lists on oak leaves and notepad paper. little lists, like what homework we had. but then, pretty soon, the gang was getting the real stuff from cvs. spiral topped memo pads. and the lists got longer and darker... like, pranks to pull on miss cowen and ways to skin a cat. (though, we could only ever come up with one on that list...)
but i couldn't help myself! i got swept up! caught up in the spiral of systematic elimination. as hazardous to my health as it was, it was just too:
and fun
and frikkin' organized!

but then, after high school, it seemed like even franklin covey wasn't enough! i went through:
post its
palm pilots
google calendar
even writing on the back of my hands...

and that's when i hit rock bottom... i was making lists of things i forgot to make lists of. things that just didn't need to be on a list. things like:
make a list for phillip
make a list for karen
put clothes on
grow hair

see? i don't even know a phillip!

i'm getting better, though. with the right help and the removal of any list making implementation, i am really quite at ease... i feel, well, i feel:
a little itchy

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