My quest for simplicity began in 199... ahem. at College my senior year.
Imagine this: the internet was still in its infancy. Pagers were all the rage (heck, even i had one!). CD's were still used. it was the best of times, it was... well, you get the picture.
i had rematriculated into the Sig-Ep dorm into what was, i can only assume, a janitors closet.
i had the only single in the dorm (next to the RA, of course) and it was perfectly simple. absolutely by accident i had stumbled across a watershed moment for my life!
My room was tiny! i could open the door and either fall into my bed or, from the doorway, select the clothes i was going to wear.
no TV. no Cellular phone. no super nintendo. no nothin'.
granted, i lived on campus. which meant that:
. my computers were provided for in labs
. art supplies stored in someone else's building
. it was college, so i didn't need books
. no need for a car
. there was The Union: so all my food was prepared for me... which, come to think of it... uh, oops... that's another post...
moral? ok, ok... sheesh, give me a break, second post in over a year and you are rushing me already!?
well, i had an incredible amount of peaceful, stress-free days with intense community interaction that whole year. so, here i am some fi...cough-cough.... years later wishing i could return to the simplicity of that time.
yeah, yeah, i know that a ton of that simplicity came from being in college in the first place, but darn-it, i like to think that minimal dorm room had something to do with my ease of living, too.
either way, the experience left me wanting more! of... less... er...
More Minimalism. (is that even possible?) more... simplicity. ah, there it is, yes! More Simplicity!
a quest that i have been on for the better part of my adult life. (which is saying something since i am secretly a middle school girl from Iowa. man i love this cyber-thingy!! :P)
so this is what terribly-witty has come to? (he says, disenchanted)
well... no, not entirely. i mean, when have i ever done anything completely? i am, after all, a product of the 80's. and if that great decade and a half ever taught us anything it is that the non-sequitor life is the most glamorous.
and i am all about glamor.
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