
Some Blog Surfing

So, I think it must be nearing fall. I am starting to get into blogging again. Or, at least lurking again.
I have a moment to kill*, so thought I would put some of what I saw into 1’s and 0’s for all to read.

Title: Smell My Prose. Content? Poetry.
Smart Remarks Book Club touts reviews of “fine literature” while sporting a bookshelf image containing: Breaking Dawn along with a number of marginally decent modern literature.
Mind Job: blog that, once loaded, presents a seizure inducing wallpaper.
IRTEA in PuddingLand says it’s “my peaceful home”… with the first post being of Anime girls who look like they’ve been in a boxing match or severe car wreck recently. Peaceful? Uh huh.
Then I was suddenly swept into a spiral of foreign blogs ranging from Chinese to Russian only to finally land on twenty Greek blogs in a row. And, just when I started thinking “well, of course it’s bringing in blogs from across the globe; it is the World Wide Web after all! It must be drawing from every single blog in the world!” I came across Dimitrios’ site for the second time.  

Anyway, that was a little taste of how I just spent my last two hours.

Riveting, I know—and productive!

*so, ok… a quick update for you so that I can go back to ignoring my blog for months at a time; I am back to being less than advantageously employed (Pattern? What pattern?). Had a great gig going for a while but then whiz-bang and now I am back to scrambling for change in the sofa. I did, however, make enough cash that she was persuaded to allow me another project.  This one? Shed turned office. Oh yeah, complete construction. It’s gonna be sweet. Well—not really. IF it gets done, I will probably hate it and never want to step foot in it. Plus it’ll cost 3 times what we can afford.
So that’s what’s happened over the past several months. Sorry to disappoint you. But, really, haven’t you come to expect that by now?

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