
nothing really...

i just found out how easy it is to get to this blog and post something...

why this is impressive:

for months now, i have been going to blogger's web site and logging in. only instead of taking me to this blog it takes me to my old-non beta-version. so then i would have to click on the beta link and go the that home page, reinstall the pertenant information only to get me to an error page asking me to join blogger beta.
after that i would "take the tour" for about two pages and then hit the blogger beta home link and pray that it let me into the secret sanctum of fall down, go boom. and usually it would. sometimes, however, i would have to try the whole crazy dance all over again.
so you can see why finding a back door, so to speak, into this dashboard page has become blog worthy.

funny, the things that find their way onto blogs...

like this.

latest on the homefront:

i spend my nights scraping the pepto-bismol pink paint off my hundred year old floor. i average about a square foot per hour.
that's not very fast.
the room is 90 square feet.
do the math.
no, really, do the math, because i have been trying to figure this out for over a week now. (what can i say? other than: hello! english major/ artist!)
the long a short of it is that there is no short to this long task.
now, please excuse me while i readdress the pink floor of misery.


Me said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS! But I might take that back now that that cat song is in my head! : (

Unknown said...

That's 90 hours of work. Or 3 whole days and 18 hours of work. So asuming you're working roughly 8 hour days and only have a few hours a night to devote to this exciting task, it could take a month of 3 hours every night. If you spent your weekends on it, it would take consideribly less time, but you know...I'm so positive, aren't I?

Merry Christmas

studmuffin said...

well, ben, that doesn't take into consideration my ability to bend time, now does it?
add that to the equation and carry the nucleotide to the fifth-teenth-ith power and you've got the square peg effect of the hippo... noose.. and some...

cat? i'm a kitty cat...

must. go. scrape...

Me said...

Are there fumes involved in this task?

studmuffin said...

only lead based paint being atomized and sent into the ambient air in the room while i use the heat gun to liquify the paint into a kind of gum that is even more difficult to scrape off. i make sure that she is holding the heat gun so i can scrape with both hands. that and the fact that my head gets swimmy and my legs start to tingle...

just kidding, no, no fumes as of yet.

however, i am debating sh'lacking the floor after the scraping fiasco of 2006 is over. you know; give the wood that warm glow, make it shiny and easy to clean and, of course, keep the pencil sized splinters from sticking into the unwary passerby's tiny feet/ knees/ hands/ face/ head/ buttom... really any part of the progeny which scampers across the floor in the upcoming spring. otherwise we will have the e.r. fiasco of 2007.

did i answer the question? these fumes are getting to me...