
say la vee.

i know, i know. horribly misspelled colloquialism. and yes, it isn't really a colloquialism...

see? this is why i never just post something... if i try to wing it; things end up clunky. like skateboarding with clogs. awkward and dangerous.

anyway, i have been trying to work something out with fear and trembling lately. And, seeing as how we have roughly 10 hours left in 2013, I figured that I would cram something together that is not only brilliant, but poignant.

Do you read that word the way it is spelled or is that just me because I am typing it?

What? Is there something wrong with my-- Oh. I get it. You are concerned because of the capital letters, right? Well, let's just say that I am trying to be grown up about this shift that I am posting about. And don't seem so surprised that I have a reason behind my blindingly good prose. I don't just make this stuff up you kno- er, well, OK; you're right. I do make it up.

The point of this post: (since my readers are so finicky)

I am an author now.
          I know, right?    ...But seriously, I have two books and everything!

Only... I don't have readers. You know, the reason an author writes...I am lacking the PB to my J... the Chewie to my Solo. The tartar sauce to my french fries (hey, don't knock it til you try it!).

No readers. No following. No fans. No groupies. Nuthin'.

So I Am Posting To Let You Know That I Am Going To Be Serious From Now On.
                 And... awww: screw this stupid shift key!
i mean, who am i kidding? i can't be serious! but therein lies the problem. i need a serious site where my wares can warily be warranted and wescued from idleness. in other words; where my adoring fan base can purchase my publications and adore my posts. er, adoringly.

i need a platform.

so there we have it. this is now the official blog for the author (wait for it...)   babunner.

TA-DA! the secret is out. the bald man in the corner who has been delivering you pithy paragraphs and an overall sense of purpose on this rock we inhabit is none other than the Columbus author babunner. And, no, i am not surprised that you have never heard of me. which, incidentally, is the point of this post. 

ah. you weren't listening, were you? no matter. more posts will come to fill in the confusion you are now, no doubt, experiencing. or, maybe have always been experiencing when visiting this blog... 

maybe i'll do better in 2014... until then how about buying my books?