
Look out world, babunner will begin posting!

Seems like the whole world is turning upside down, doesn't it? I mean, Hollywood can't be trusted, the President's hair frightens children, and I am daring to post regularly on this blog?

The end has got to be near!

Relax, this is not a blog with a political agenda. Nor is this a blog with scandalous stories. No, this--like my books--is a place to enjoy a good story, potentially laugh a bit, and see the world through the eyes of a neurotic writer. Hey, it ain't called terribly witty for nothin'... yeah, that sounded WAY better in my head.

So, why the declaration after nearly eleven years of maintaining the least visited blog on the internet  that I will be posting? It all goes back to platform.

2018 (if we're all still here, then) will be the year b.a.bunner publishes his first full-length novel. So, to get you all to go buy my books, I will be littering the internet with my wit (terribly) and words (literally).

Think of it as a fire hose of prose that pushes you back into a bookstore.
Actually, scratch that. That doesn't even make sense...

Okay, so what will I post about?
how about: how I write my books? or where I come up with my ideas? Maybe I'll even give you a sneak peek of future writing I'm working on. Who knows? I could even wax philosophic about the adverb.
One thing is sure: if I do manage to keep posting, you might not be the only one reading this; my therapist could start visiting, too.

So, there you go. A new year, a new vision, and some new words.
Wish me luck and I'll see you on the next post!

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